Friday, November 1, 2013

Pinktober is over!

Breast Cancer Awareness month (October) also sometimes referred to as "Pinktober" due to the large amount of pink ribbon corporate campaigns is over. While I was honored to be a small part of the awareness by giving a PSA which aired on three local radio stations during October, I'm glad the pink craze is over! I like my money and support to stay local for the most part, and I was tired of being asked if I wanted to contribute a donation toward BC awareness when I was shopping this month, only to ask and be told the donation went to a national organization. I never know how much of what is donated is spent on actual research and/or patient needs vs. administrative fees or used to pad the pockets of high-salary executives at those national organizations.

The support I have received is amazing. So many folks care and want to help in any way they can - I have been lucky to have a lot of good people in my corner. I was sitting in the chemo suite yesterday and overheard a woman talking to a nurse about how she basically had to go on disability because her boss was not understanding and made her work life almost impossible; she just couldn't take it anymore and left her job. I couldn't relate as my boss and supervisors have all been so understanding and supportive, that I couldn't imagine being faced with having to leave my job and take even short-term disability because my employer was not understanding. I know there are those out there, and I am thankful that I am in the position I am. I received a card from my aunt who has not spoken to me in a year after an uncle told lies about me and she took his side. No olive branch was extended in her letter to repair our relationship, but rather the card was basically just a way for her to tell me she found out about my breast cancer and "I was in her prayers." I want to say to her, "Don't pray for me - pray for yourself!" I didn't need breast cancer to show me those I need to have in my life vs. those I need to cut out of my life. Auntie is definitely one I can cut out and not look back.

I have three treatments left and I can't wait-November 21 can't come fast enough! I was switched from Taxol to Docetaxol (Taxotere) for my last four treatments. My fingernails are horrible, two are trying to come off and are extremely painful, and I had some pretty significant bone pain that lasted until Tuesday this week (which is very uncommon), so my doctor and I hope the Docetaxol will be a little kinder on the fingernails and bone pain and not as toxic as the Taxol. Of course, Docetaxol comes with different side effects, but hopefully they won't be as significant as what I have endured on Taxol.