Monday, July 15, 2013

Chemo weekend #1

July 15, 2013

Thursday, July 11 was my first chemo treatment. I have felt fine since then with just a slight bit of dizziness on Friday morning when I awoke and a very slight headache on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I have been keeping on top of my anti-nausea medicine as I don't wish to begin feeling nauseous. Appetite is down slightly (which is just fine - I could stand to lose a few pounds....), but food for the most part still tastes the same. No mouth sores, gastrointestinal issues, or other unpleasant side effects from the chemo yet that I had planned on experiencing so I'm thrilled. Now, if every treatment would go this smooth, I will be a happy lady. I'm not holding my breath - I'm sure at some point the amount of drugs in my body will start causing more havoc than good. Wait for it.....wait for it.....

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