Tuesday, July 22, 2014

My year in pictures May 2013-June 2014

 Chemo #1 - this was my room. The first time you have chemo, they give you one of these rooms. I brought my pillow, tablet and water bottle as I didn't know what to expect.

 This is the view from my chemo room - not very exciting. After the first time, I opted to sit out on the floor with other patients where it was more light and airy and I could see the sunshine and the life flight helicopter take off from time to time!

 This was the day I got my head shaved. Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia Pet anyone? :)

 One good thing about Chemo is that you acquire a nice selection of scarves! I was fortunate to find these at a garage sale just before losing my hair.

They call it Red Devil because of the punch it packs! Adriamyacin or Doxorubicin is the official drug name. But I rather liked referring to it as The Red Devil! :)

 They multiplied! Three of these are for nausea, two are thyroid, two are Potassium supplements I was forced to take during treatment - and the list goes on and on......

 Mike (a.k.a. The Defector) and Heather, two awesome nurses. This was the night I was admitted to the hospital in November 2013, and one of Mike's last nights before he left the chemo ward to work in ICU.

Ah, this was a much better view while sitting during chemo. I loved to see the helicopter come in and take off the North Tower.

 Yes, those are ice packs on my feet. Deploying the "cold therapy" methodology to combat Taxol's terrible side effects. Good thing I always had my fleece blanket handy as my hands and feet would get cold during the hour-long drip.

 It started with this finger. Ironically it was my middle finger on my left hand that turned black and the nail raised off the bed. I would hold it up and say, "Look at my finger" and shock people who thought I was flicking them off.

 This is post surgical after having my fingernails removed. Sick I know. Thank you Taxol.

 Left hand after surgery. First fingernail removed, middle finger nail fell off the day before surgery. Figures.

 Right hand after surgery. First three finger nails removed. Thanks again Taxol.

 My first blood transfusion. Levels were low and I was looking pale and feeling exhausted. The added blood really made a difference, even thought it was short lived. I have always felt it was important to be a blood donor, but now I really can appreciate everyone who donates to help someone. Thanks donor. :)

Second blood transfusion while I was in the hospital (as I like to call it, Spa Carle) in November 2013. Notice my fingers are still bandaged as I had not yet had the fingernails removed (Dec. 20). I remember it was a pain trying to keep them bandaged and protected.

 Cheers! (If only that contained something good to drink instead of ice water) Damn I am bald.

 Radiation Fashionista! The lavender cape I wore every day during radiation. Loved the cape - so easy and comfortable.

Steve and Amy helping me into the radiation machine. 33 days of this, but it went fast.

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