Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Port Removal

I checked into the one day surgery center at 6:45 a.m. on Thursday, November 13. I had a very short wait before I was called back to be prepped for the port removal procedure. The nurse came in and started my IV, asked me some medical questions, got my consent for surgery, and then asked if I had anyone with me. She called for my parents to be sent back and they sat with me. I think we all fell asleep for a short time before the anesthesiologist came in to get my signature and ask if I had any questions. My doctor made a surprise visit before the procedure to say hi to my parents and me. I’m sure he did this because I saw him the week before my procedure and said I would see him next week and then said, “Well, I guess you’ll see me, but I probably won’t see you!” He’s terrific and I would highly recommend him! The OR nurse came in shortly after to wheel me off to the operating room. Entering the room, it was freezing cold and music was playing. I was bummed when she paused the music as I was happy to grove out before konking out! A not-so-smooth transfer from the gurney to the OR table by wiggling to my left and being strapped down Mommy Dearest Style, and I was out cold. The last thing I remember is being told to just breath normal as they put an oxygen mask over my nose and mouth, and taking only three to fourth breaths. I'm sure there was more than just oxygen in that mix!

A short time later (to me anyway!), I awoke in the recovery room. Total time in surgery was less than an hour I was told. I was on Warfarin (Coumadin) since November 2013, and while I had discontinued my doses 6 days prior to the procedure, I apparently had more bleeding than they anticipated. Other than that, everything went as expected and there were no surprises. Yay! 

Waking up and getting moved to the second recovery room where my parents could join me again went quick. I was given graham crackers and cranberry juice and happily devoured them, especially the cranberry juice which felt good as my throat was dry. The nurse removed my IV and I got dressed quickly while my dad went to get the car. Then, a volunteer came with a wheelchair to wheel me to the front doors where my dad was waiting. We dropped off a prescription for pain pills and stopped at DQ to get me chicken strips on the way home. We were home by noon, and I was in bed by 1 p.m. I had a headache, but otherwise felt pretty good. I slept 3 hours, and unfortunately the headache was still present when I woke so I took two pain pills. The doctor had recommended ice to prevent swelling. The cold also helped with the pain (it wasn't really painful, it was more tender or sore than pain) so I used a cold pack wrapped in a towel most of the day Thursday and Friday. 

Saturday and Sunday I noticed a large red area on my chest and right breast. Monday, I called the clinic, concerned about infection, and my nurse suggested I come in that afternoon to see my doctor. I was so relieved when Dr. R walked into the room and immediately said, “That’s not an infection.” Whew! Apparently it was an allergic reaction to the Chlorhexidine that is used as a prep during surgery. He was able to identify the defined area of reaction that was consistent with the prep site during my procedure. While I’m not necessarily happy to have another allergy (I have several already from sulfa, adhesives (tape and bandages), and three antibiotics), I’m thrilled it was not an infection. He recommended Benadryl and in a few days I hope it fades completely. There has been minimal bruising to the area, and it’s already yellow which means it should be gone in a few more days. I think I expected to feel a little better than I have, but the procedure has not been bad at all. Let’s hope I don’t have a need to repeat it! No offense Dr. R!

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