Monday, November 10, 2014

Pre-Port Removal

I'm having my port removed this week. I'm anxious because I don't want to have another surgery. I wish it was a procedure that could be done in the doctors office, rather than the operating room. I am however, thrilled that it is considered an out-patient procedure as my luck with hospital roommates sucked the two times I have been hospitalized; the first roommate from hell had visitors galore and did nothing but complain, and the second roommate from hell was on the phone at 2am the first night and the next evening started yelling into her phone (I got moved to a private room after that thank goodness!).

I was sitting at the cancer center waiting for support group to begin last week when I saw my surgeon leaving the conference room. He walked over to me and asked how I was doing and came over to shake my hand. I said just fine and that I would see him next week. He responded, "Oh? Having something removed?!" and I said, "Yes. The port is coming out! I guess I should say though, that you'll see me, but I probably won't see you because I'll already be asleep before you come in the room." He chuckled and responded, "I'm smooth like that!" I about fell out of my chair. Oh Dr. R, how I love thee! I'm thrilled he will remove my port, and not another surgeon.

He informed me it should take about 15-20 minutes. I'll update this with a recap after Thursday's procedure!

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