Saturday, May 11, 2013

Day 1

3:22, Friday, May 10, 2013. I was diagnosed with breast cancer. A call from my doctor to tell me the results from my biopsy were "ugly" and "Kiddo, we need to get you into the Mills next week." (Mills is the cancer center in town).  Final diagnosis from my left breast ultrasound core biopsy at 10:00 (10:00 is the location of the cyst) was "Invasive high grade mammary carcinoma with extensive necrosis." My knowledge of health and the health field comes from wanting to be a nurse when I was in high school and college (it never happened), to working in the ER for just over 3 years, and remaining very much interested in, and in awe of, medical issues; I love the medical shows on TV. If I had Discovery Health on my cable plan, I might never leave home. I know this is not a good diagnosis. Invasive=potential to, or already has, spread outside the area. Mammary carcinoma=breast cancer. Extensive necrosis=dead tissue - lots of it apparently.

No time to wallow, I was on the stage in Assembly Hall about to start the 3:30 rehearsal with faculty for our convocation ceremony today. After the rehearsal I addressed the "elephant in the tunnel" by telling my boss and co-worker it was cancer. The distraction of work today will make this weekend more bearable.

Happy Mother's Day.

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