Monday, August 9, 2010

Road Trip

Speech class is over! I cannot put into words just how happy I am to be out of that class. I am not a public speaker, nor will I ever aspire to holding a position where public speaking is a regular duty of mine. I want an A, but if I must....a B grade will do.

To celebrate my end to speech (and living through it), as well as becoming a Bachelor seeking student this fall..... I have decided to take a quick trip north. Michigan has always been a favorite spot of mine, and I have been torchering myself lately by reading the Pure Michigan site on Facebook. So, with the blessing of my friends and my family, I'm going to jump in my car tomorrow and start driving. Not sure where Lola (the GPS) and I will end up, but it's likely to be a good time!

I'll try to post from the road. If not, then I'll provide a looooooong post when I return to reality next weekend.

Happy travels!

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